Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ming the Merciless...

Doodled this out a few weeks ago, and thought I'd go ahead and finish it off and toss it up here this morning...

Okay, just to get this out there right off the bat ... I am a HUGE Flash Gordon fan.  Sure, I loved Star Wars as a kid, but when somebody says "sci-fi" to me, the first thing I think of is Flash Gordon.  And it's probably pretty clear that Miranda Mercury is a big ol' love letter, artistically, at least ... to my love of Flash Gordon, with a dash of Jack Kirby's New Gods thrown in for good measure.

So it was pretty heartbreaking to hear that the man who provided some of my very best childhood memories passed away recently.  Man, I only ever liked Star Wars comics if Al Williamson was drawing them.  His inking over guys like John Romita, Jr. was brilliant stuff.  And his Flash Gordon work..?  It was actually quite a bit before my time, so I was really fortunate to have the chance to read some of that at a young age, and it was a big part of me taking the path I've taken.

Thanks for all the great comics, and the inspiration, Mr. Williamson...

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